Medical Negligence Lawyers Sydney

Stern Law has a strong record of successfully acting for plaintiffs in compensation claims who have suffered loss and damage due to the conduct of a medical professional

We have an Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law with expertise in all areas of personal injury and medical negligence in Sydney. 

As specialists in the area of medical negligence law, explore the types of Medical Negligence claims that Stern Law can help you to claim compensation for:

1. Failure to Diagnose
• Cancer
2. GP negligence
3. Cosmetic procedure claims
4. Stroke Claims
5. Mistreated or Misdiagnosed Infection
6. Failure to obtain informed consent
7. Birth Trauma and Birth Injury
• Obstetric Emergencies ​
• Shoulder Dystocia
• Postnatal depression and PTSD
• Improper Fetal Monitoring in labour and birth
• Medical intervention and birth instruments
• Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy

Please enquire with one of our medical negligence lawyers in Sydney today and we can assist you to determine if a claim is possible.

Call us on (02) 9387 1399 or email us at re*******@st******.au.

35 years’

Stern law applies a compassionate and empathetic approach to medical negligence claims to help you achieve the most successful outcome

Terry Stern is our Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law. Terry is one of the most experienced medical negligence lawyers in Sydney NSW, having worked in this field for 35 years.

Terry’s successes include major claims that settled at mediation (without the stress, delay and expense going to court). Terry’s advocacy and experience has resulted in clients obtaining optimal results, many exceeding $5 million. Many of those cases settle at mediation and are not publicly available because they are resolved on a confidential basis.

Terry has achieved excellent results in birth trauma cases, helping change the lives of the carers through access to large amounts of damages achieved through the litigation. We understand and will support women and their families through the traumatic and sensitive nature of birth injury claims.